Naustralia's muslim cameleers books

Australia s muslim cameleers is a rich pictorial history of these men, their way of life and the vital role they played in pioneering transport and communication routes across outback australia between 1870 and 1920, as many as 2,000 cameleers and 20,000 camels arrived in australia from afghanistan and northern india. This book is about the oftenforgotten muslim cameleers, known as afghans, who came to australia between the 1860s and the 1930s to ply australias inland routes. They set up camelbreeding stations and resthouse outposts, known as caravanserai, throughout inland australia, creating a permanent link between the coastal cities and the remote cattle and sheep grazing stations until about the 1930s, when they were largely replaced by the automobile. History australias muslim cameleers wakefield press. Australia, evident in the remaining artefacts, particularly prayer beads, some books, and letters. This superbly illustrated book brings to life the vital role that muslim cameleers from afghanistan and british india played in pioneering transport and communication routes across outback australias vast expanses.

Wakefield press history australias muslim cameleers. Australias muslim cameleers by philip jones, 9781862548725, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. By the late 1860s, camels and cameleers were arriving regularly. City of kalgoorlieboulder historian tim moore with a book about australias cameleers. Australias afghan cameleers forgotten history revived by their living. This book is about the oftenforgotten muslim cameleers, known as afghans, who came to australia between the 1860s1930s to ply australias inland routes. This superbly illustrated book brings to life the vital role that muslim cameleers from afghanistan and british india played in pioneering transport and. They brought with them no women, and although some married european or aboriginal women, their families always lived in the ghantowns and rarely mixed in australian society. Australias muslim cameleers hawker visitor information. This book is about the oftenforgotten muslim cameleers, known as afghans, who came to australia between the 1860s and the 1930s to ply australias inland. Three fine books on the cameleers were written during the 1980s. Australias afghan cameleers forgotten history revived by.

The majority of cameleers, including indian cameleers, were muslim, while a sizeable minority were sikhs from the punjab region. Australias muslim cameleers is a rich pictorial history of the. Australias muslim cameleers flinders ranges research. History of australias muslim cameleers australian geographic. Australias muslim cameleers, pioneers of the inland 1860s1930s.

Buy a discounted paperback of australias muslim cameleers online from. The cameleers helped to introduce islam to australia and built the first mosque in marree, sa wearing turbans and carrying their korans, the men were known as cameleers, afghans, or ghans. The cameleers were muslims who adhered faithfully to their religion and built mosques wherever they settled. Australias muslim cameleers is a rich pictorial history of these men, their way of life and the vital role they played in pioneering transport and communication routes across outback australias vast expanses. Australias muslim cameleers south australian history. In return for their meagre pay, they made a vital contribution to the history of australia one which has largely been left out of the history books, says cara rosehope, an amateur historian in melbourne. Many of the images and artefacts in this fascinating account are published here for the first time, and the book contains a biographical listing of more than 1200 cameleers.

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